If you were arrested for a DUI after being stopped for a sobriety checkpoint in Las Vegas, Nevada, or throughout the surrounding areas of Clark County, then contact an experienced DUI defense attorney at Gallo Criminal Defense Las Vegas. Attorney James C. Gallo is experienced in representing clients in a wide range of drunk and impaired driving cases, including cases involving a sobriety checkpoint.
Sobriety checkpoints are heavily scrutinized under the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution. In fact, if a proper challenge is brought before the judge, the court must determine not only the legality of your stop but the legality of the entire DUI checkpoint operation plan and the execution of that plan. Any problem with the operational plan or the execution of the plan could result in all evidence gathered during every arrest being suppressed.
Even a first DUI comes with serious consequences that can last a lifetime. The stakes are even higher for a person with a second or subsequent arrest for DUI. James C. Gallo is experienced in fighting the charges, including the refusal to submit to testing, or the case involving a breath test case, blood test case, or urine test case. Call (702) 385-3131 to discuss your case today.
DUI Checkpoint in Las Vegas from April 1, 2015
Sheriff Joseph Lombardo recently announced the results of the DUI Checkpoint conducted on April 1, 2015. The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Traffic Bureau and Patrol Officers from all Area Commands and the Nevada Highway Patrol (NHP) conducted a “Sobriety Checkpoint” on April 1, 2015, between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. The checkpoint was located on Boulder Highway at Mayorga.
The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department uses checkpoints to issue a large number of citations. It is also used to demonstrate to citizens the zero tolerance policy of the LVMPD toward drug and alcohol impaired driving. The DUI checkpoint in Las Vegas conducted by the LVMPD focused on issuing citations to juveniles, young adults, and older adults.
DUI Checkpoints are not particularly good at catching drunk or impaired drivers. In fact, out of the 1338 vehicles that passed through the checkpoint on April 1, 2015, only 13 people were arrested for DUI. That is a very low number considering that more than 29 personnel were assigned to the checkpoint that night. Other results show that 39 people were tested for drunk or impaired driving. Three people were cited for possession of marijuana. One person was arrested for an outstanding arrest warrant.
The LVMPD summarized the results of the checkpoint as follows:
- Vehicles passed through the checkpoint: 1338
- Individuals tested: 39
- Individuals Arrested for DUI: 13
- Individuals cited for possession of marijuana: 3
- Individual arrested on warrants: 1
- Personnel assigned to checkpoint: 29

Additional Resources on Nevada DUI Checkpoints
Recent DUI Checkpoints by the LVMPD - Visit the website of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to find news articles and press releases issued by the Traffic Bureau discussing recent checkpoints conducted in Clark County, Nevada. DUI Checkpoints in Las Vegas are particularly popular on holidays including New Year's Eve, St. Patricks Day, Memorial Day weekend, Labor Day weekend, the Fourth of July weekend, and Thanksgiving Eve.
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police DepartmentTraffic Bureau8445 Eldora Ave.Las Vegas, NV 89117Phone# 702-828-3535
Finding Las Vegas DUI Checkpoint Attorney
If you were arrested for a DUI or another criminal offense after entering a DUI sobriety checkpoint in Las Vegas or throughout Clark County, Nevada, then contact criminal justice attorney James C. Gallo at Gallo Criminal Defense Las Vegas about your case. We welcome your call to discuss your case. Whether your case is a first time DUI arrest or a more serious felony offense, James C. Gallo has the experience and passion to fight your charges.
Learn more about defenses in a DUI refusal case. Also find out how he fighs a DUI case involving a breath, blood or urine test. Call (702) 385-3131 today to speak with an experienced DUI defense attorney in Las Vegas, NV.
Website URL: https://www.gallolawnv.com/criminal-defense/dui/sobriety-checkpoint
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